Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Camp, DAY 3!

On camp Thursday we got woken up at 6:30am and breakfast was at 7:000am. We had half an hour to get ready for the day. As usual breakfast was toast, cereal and milo.

We caught the train from Silverstream (where we were staying) to Wellington and walked to the Museum of City and Sea. At the museum we met James he told us to put our bags in to thes big boxes and sit on them. He then told us the rules of the museum and we went to the Board Room. In the room there was a massive map on the wall. With the map James showed us how the Wahine Disater struck. Then we had a look around the place and watched a movie which was made purely of the news that was fimed on the day and photos that were taken by people there, it was very sad! Another thing that almost had everyone in tears was the talk that Shirley ( a survivor form the disaster) had with us. Two of her little children died in the disaster. We finished our time at the museum with getting into groups and doing some activities.

Afterwards we had another walk to do, to Capital E. While we were walking we started to eat the delicious wrap that the cooks at the retreat gave us for lunch. Once we got there we sat down outside and ate our packed lunches, YUMMY! We then went inside and a man named Peter came to meet us and take us downstairs. Once we were all sitting down, he told us what we were going to be doing for the two hours and what our jobs were. We were going to be making a 'live' news report on the Wahine Disater, Jess and I were the presenters! Straight to Wardrobe we went. I f you you go to you'll see that Jessica looks more like a news reporter than me, I had a cardi on! The news report was on a 'tv.' program called Spotlight On New Zealand. I really enjoyed being Presenter #1, even though a stumbled heaps! We did a dress rehearsal and an actual one, thankfully only the real one went online!

After dinner (which was chicken) we went to H2O Xtream pools, there was three water slides there, way better than Masterton!

And it was time for bed!

We had a really awesome day and I would like to do it again!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Somes Island

On Wednesday the 27th of October I was not going to school because I was
going to Somes Island with all the other year 5's and the rest of the senior room.Somes Island is in the wellington harbour and somes Island is rodent free. The ferry that we went on wasn't so nice looking I thought it needed some sparkles and maybe a bit of purple or pink just for some colour. Then when we all got on the boat it started to move at last. It took 20 to 30 minutes to get to Somes Island on the ferry.When we all got to Somes Island we got of the ferry and went in to the rat house to check if we had any rats,mice,possoms or seeds in our bags.Luckily no one had any rats,mice,possoms or seeds in there bag.Then we all got out of the rat house and split up into groups I went in Rod's group.Then we all started to walk and have a look around Somes Island I liked the Tuatara's and the Little Blue Penguin which is so cute .Then when we had looked around Somes Island it was time to go. On Somes Island there was a lady that was in a dress and high heels with a teddy bear I thought she was crazy, but I did like her shoes. Then we hopped onto the ferry and went across the Wellington harbour and headed home.
By Nicola Sharratt.


On the 26Th of October the 2010 Wainuioru school year 6,7 and 8 camp kicked off. We all got in our designated cars and drove down to Silverstream Retreat which is in Wellington. When we got to the retreat we sorted out rooms and had a bit of a look around, then got back in our cars and drove to the Botanical Gardens in Kelburn. When we got there we walked to Caters Observatory and ate lunch out the front while we were waiting to be let in. When we were allowed in we were greeted by a nice lady called Vicky. She lead us in to a classroom where we were shown a power point presentation about the solar system. Then we were free to explore the exhibits after about half an hour we were sent to the planetarium to watch a movie about what an astronaut goes through in training, and where the different constellations are in our sky at the moment.Then we went into the classroom again and did some activities. when we left the Observatory we took the cable car to the CBD (central business district) and back then we went back to the retreat. We explored the retreat some more then we walked across the road to the steam museum where we were greeted by Mr Polsen ( Taylor's Grandad ) who was going to show us around. We went in and had a look around and in some of the old steam trains then we went back across the road just in time for tea. Yum fish and chips and Caramel self saucing pudding but not together that would be gross!! My favourite part of the day was Carters Observatory. I learnt what an astronaut has to go through in training. I couldn't wait till the next day.
Jessica Forbes

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Elective (Charlotte)

Every Tuesday for the past five weeks wainuioru school have been doing electives. My elective is glass painting and Mrs Rattary is our teacher.There are five people in the group Me, Holly, Clara, Zaiver and Gracey.Lately I have been colouring a cupcake and a flower the cupcake is red and white the flower is yellow and orange.Mrs Rattary is a really fun teacher.
Charlotte's snow caligram

pet day

on the 16th of october on saturday we are having a pets day. Olivia and becky are having a stall called the fifteen dollar fined.

The wiz

On September 16th the whole of Wainuioru School went to Wairarapa college to watch their production called THE WIZ. It was heaps of fun, and their was lots of laughter.

I think that Mrs Rattrays daughter Rose Rattray was really good, and probably everyone will agree.

I hope we watch another one of their productions again some other time.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Every Tuesday for the next 5 weeks wainuioru school are having electives some of the groups are cooking,camping skills,glass painting and basic horsemanship. I was in Landscape artistry held by Kathryn Tomlison and Mary Cook. In my group there is Ally Cates Evie Tomlison and me. We are going to be designing the front garden for the school and for the past two weeks we have been going to different schools and kindys to get ideas for our project. We have seen some really cool stuff like koru statues, bridges, cool seats and even really colourful and huge signs. We think we will make a stone garden with a goldfish pond in it surronded by tussock grass and statues also we were hoping to get a fountain. I have had so much fun doing the electives and the tutors are great i can't wait to see what it looks like at the end.

My Electives- Glasspainting

On Tuesday it was the Wainuioru School electives, and I was doing glasspainting with Charlotte, Zavier, Clara and Grace. Our helper for the day was Mrs Rattray, but last week it was Mrs Cameron and Mrs Mckay. First of all we coloured our glasspaintings in. I did a Penguin, 3 hearts, a flower and a single heart.
After we done our glasspaintings, Mrs Rattray snuck us a chocolate fish each.
It was the best day ever, and I can't wait for our next session with Mrs Rattray.

Science Roadshow

"time to hop on the bus children".It was the day to go to the science roadshow at chanel collage just the senior class went.When we got to chanel collage we went and sat on the floor we learnt alot of stuff. I went with Olivia and Sophie looking around at the science .Next I went up on the stage were there was three science deminstration .I went on a nail bed were the nails were stickings up at the sharp went it wasn't paneful it felt like a holo desk so did Olivia and Sophie went on it.It was time to sit on the floor we had little cards when we answered them all we but them in a box and then a man will pick a card up and who ever got picked out won 3D glasses and a 3D picture and Gretchen and Morgan got the price. I think it was a really fun time because we got to do expereiments.

2010 rippa tournament

On the 2nd of September the years 3-8's went to Whareama for a rippa tournament. On the 6th game Wainuioru winners versed the Wainuioru smallblacks.

The score was 6 to the smallblacks and 3 to the winners. Then we went to the score board to have prize giving. The prizes were a maori rugby poster and a rugby ball. Holly was the best player on the smallblacks team so she got a moari rugby poster and the 2nd best player on the smallblacks team was Cody so he got a rugby ball. And the best player on the wainuioru winners team was Olivia so she got a moari rugby poster. And the 2nd best on the wainuioru winners team was Bj so he got a rugby ball.
It was a great day at Whareama.

Henry & Sean's rippa tournament 2010

Yesterday the year three's, four's, five's, six's, seven's and eight's went to the East Coast Grounds at Whareama to play rippa rugby.

We were in the year seven & eight team. Our team won one game, lost five and had one bye.

We scored about four tries each.

It was a fun day even though we only won one game.

Every Tuesday, for the next five weeks of this term, Wainuioru School has electives. Some of the groups are cooking, glass painting, camping skills and basic horsemanship. I was doing landscape artistry held by Kathryn Tomlinson and Mary Cook. In my group there is Ally Cates, Evie Tomlison and me. We are going to design the front garden of the school and for the last 2 weeks we have been going round to schools and kindys looking at their gardens to get ideas for our project. We have seen some really cool stuff like koru statues, bridges, boadwalks and big colourful signs. We are planning to have at Wainuioru School a stone garden with a fish pond in it, surronded by tussock grass and statues also we were hoping to have a water fountain somewhere. I have had a whole lot of fun doing the electives so far and the tutors are great. I can't wait to see what it will look like at the end.

My Elective, Girls Stuff.

At the moment we have a program doing electives and mine (Annika's) GIRLS STUFF.

On Tuesday we were doing nail care. We got a glorious and relaxing hand massage (aaaahhhhhhh), we pushed our cuticles back and did our nails. First of all I painted my nails with a nail hardner, then with a sparkly silver polish, which came out purple! I last of all painted a top coat. My nails are soo pretty now!

Annika is about to get a try!

On the 2nd of September of 2010 the years 3-8's from Wainuioru School went to Whareama for the Rippa Rugby Tournament. The teams that were playing were Whareama, Gladstone, Tinui and Wainuioru. The weather was very freezing but after we played a couple of games we all started to warm up because we were running around alot. I was in the year 7's and 8's team because they were short of players. We won 1 game and lost 5 games. It was a very good and fun day because none of the teams were too easy to play against, the only disappointing thing was that it was muddy and cold.

Whareama rippa tournament!!!

On September 2nd 2010 Wainuioru school years 3-8 went to Whareama for the rippa tournament. The schools we played were Whareama, Tinui and Gladstone. We played 6 games of rugby and on my team were Olivia, Jack, Charlotte, Annika, Morgen, Xavier and Sophie. We won 4 out of 6 games.

The best part was ripping the rippers off the other teams belts and I enjoyed running around.

2010 Rippa Tournament

Yesterday, the years 3-8 went to Whareama School for a Rippa Rugby Tournament. the schools that were there were Tinui, Gladstone, Whareama and Wainuioru. Each year group had a lot of teams and most of us played 6 games at least.

The weather was freezing at the start but we felt warmer as the day went on because we were running around so much.

'The day was fun but very tiring from all the running around. It was exciting when we got the tries" Annika Green.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gretchen, Holly, Maddy, Sophie and Charlotte

On Friday it was Daffodil day and the whole school was wearing something yellow. We had a drawing of a daffodil on the tennis court and everyone was asked to bring a gold coin donation. We put all of our gold coins around the outline of the daffodil and it looked great. We also had a sausage sizzle for lunch and the proceeds went to the Cancer Society too. We raised $211.70. There were bunches of daffodils in each classroom and the smell reminded me of spring.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gretchens under water calligram


Annika's Playground Caligram.


This is Georgie's Caligram


Hayley's Dawn Caligram


This is Maddy's Caligram with a beach theme.


Maddy and Kasa went to Masterkids last term and learnt how to make a Caligram. They came back to school and are in the process of teaching the class how to do one too. This is Jack's Landscape Caligram.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We were asked to write an editoral all about Wainuioru School for the Wairarapa News Kids page. Annika Green was selected to write the editorial and this is what she wrote:

Wainuioru School is AWESOME!!!!!!!! And this is why: We are situated 21 kilometres south-east of Masterton, in the tranquil country side. We are a rural, family orientated school, which is well supported by parents and families. Some students start at the Wainuioru playgroup which is held on a Tuesday and is next to the school. The preschoolers do lots of fun activities and they have a great playground.
There are 45 families that are a part of our school, which gives us around 80 students. We have 4 classrooms with teachers that we really look up to and who make us eager to learn. Veggie Gardens, tree nurseries, a worm farm and an orchard make us an Enviro School and the year 6 students are currently devising a waste management scheme for the school.
At our school we are supported by lots of technological devices; 40 different computers and laptops are spread throughout the school each classroom has a smart board as well as an Elmo.
We have just finished a medieval study where some visitors came and showed us authentic medieval weapons and armour had made themselves. They showed us swords, shields, chain mail and knights clothing. Then they demonstrated a sword fight. It was really scary. The best thing about our study was that we finished it with a medieval feast where everyone dressed up and ate with their hands; there were even pig’s heads, EWW!
Wainuioru School is a great environment for all students where we have wonderful learning experiences in a fun and safe environment.
Wainuioru School is awesome.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


On Monday and Tuesday Maddy and Kasa went to master kids and they learnt how to take picture's up close,they took the pictures and uploaded the pictures on to photo peach and made a slide show with background music. They came back to school and taught two students to make the slide show this is one of the slide shows. check it out.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wordle - senior room

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Medieval Feast Recount

Read all about Wainuioru Schools Medieval Feast from Charlotte's recount

Its Thursday it’s not like any other Thursday because… Wainuioru School were having a medieval feast. All pig heads and eating with our hands. The reason for the feast was we thought it was a good way to finish of our medieval unit. Everyone dressed up I was a peasant and I wore a dark green dress with cream embroidery on the top. I thought I looked good.

First we got told what we were doing. Then we got into groups and did an activity to make a sword out of paper and cellotape. Becky had the strongest sword it could hold 10 rolls of cellotape. Mine couldn’t even hold one roll! Next we had a costume parade me and Harry won best dressed peasants, Annika and Sean won best dressed entertainers,
Jessica and Jack won best dressed knights and Cameron and Bruno won best dressed royalty. Then we showed our shields my shield had an elephant and a blue flower on it. After that we did hobbie horse racing me and Ally came last because we both had a sore ankle.

Finally we had the food since I was a peasant I had to eat last. All the peasants were shouting FEED US, FEED US!! Eventually we got to eat. It was yummy. I had some chicken, bread and some fruit. There was lots of food some pies, muffins and some iced bread it all looked so good!

I had such a great time I hope it could happen again. My favourite part was the costume parade. And I learn lots about the medieval times.

By Charlotte Rose Richardson

Age 10

Year 6

Senior Room

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Welcome to the Wainuioru School senoir room blog. Throughout the rest of this year, the children will be able to post their work, photos and interests on this page for your interest and enjoyment.
The children have been busy writing speeches this term which they all presented to an audience on the 17 and 18 June. There were some very interesting topics including'What it is like to be a twin' ,'The tongue', 'Kickboxing', 'Being the oldest sibling', 'Fiji', a selection of speeches on pets, 'Ice cream', 'Cookies' and many more. they were all very entertaining and the children rose to the challenge and achieved their individual goals.

We are currently investigating simple machines as part of the technology curriculum and over the next couple of weeks we will be finding out how these work to make our lives easier.
Enjoy the posts
Carolyn Rattray

P.S Check out one of my favourite youtube videos for your entertainment!

Ngaumu wordle

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