On Wednesday the 27th of October I was not going to school because I was
going to Somes Island with all the other year 5's and the rest of the senior room.Somes Island is in the wellington harbour and somes Island is rodent free. The ferry that we went on wasn't so nice looking I thought it needed some sparkles and maybe a bit of purple or pink just for some colour. Then when we all got on the boat it started to move at last. It took 20 to 30 minutes to get to Somes Island on the ferry.When we all got to Somes Island we got of the ferry and went in to the rat house to check if we had any rats,mice,possoms or seeds in our bags.Luckily no one had any rats,mice,possoms or seeds in there bag.Then we all got out of the rat house and split up into groups I went in Rod's group.Then we all started to walk and have a look around Somes Island I liked the Tuatara's and the Little Blue Penguin which is so cute .Then when we had looked around Somes Island it was time to go. On Somes Island there was a lady that was in a dress and high heels with a teddy bear I thought she was crazy, but I did like her shoes. Then we hopped onto the ferry and went across the Wellington harbour and headed home.
By Nicola Sharratt.
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