On Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th Molly M, Callum, Henry, Xanthe, Fin, Cameron and Holly went to a Be Inspired Conference at the Solway Copthorne.
There was about 100 and something kids from different schools that were there. Everyone got given a lanyard which had the 4 workshops that we were doing over the 2 days.
I (Holly) was doing the High & Low rope course which was a 10 - 15 minute drive from the Copthorne.
When my group arrived we met the 2 instructors Nico and Kara.
We walked 5 minutes to the High and Low rope course. When we finally arrived we put on our harness and cow tails which are ropes that clip you on to the wire. After everyone had their gear on we got clipped on to a blue rope to help the front person climb up the ladder. When you reach the top platform you had to pick which way to go, The long course or the Short course, everyone went the long way.
At the end of the short and long course was a flying fox, which was so much fun. When we had all finished on the high rope course we went to play on the low rope course which was just swings and low wires to balance on. After having fun we walked back to the bus and drove back to the Copthorne to have lunch.
Callum did theatre sports which was in the games room. In theatre sports they did lots of acting games, and learnt to not be scared in front of an audience. One of the games Callum played was Yes Let's . Its a game when the leader says something for the others to do and they have to say yes lets. They played other acting games as well.
Cameron did Construction to Function. Their teachers were from architech and designing universitity. They had to achive a system that would stop a egg smashing at a drop of 2 metres. They were only allowed to use 4 rubber gloves, 20 straws and some cellotape. They blew up a glove to make a soft wall.
They thought it wouldnt be enough so they made a pyramid out of straws to brace it when he dropped it. The egg bounced but the egg didn't smash.
Xanthe did create a masterpiece where they had to draw a sea creature. Then outline it with ink and paint it if they wanted to but Xanthe wanted here's black and white so she didn't paint her's.
Fin did painting with light with Mr Kennard. They learn't to use a digital camera and how to use the macro unction fand taking pictures at different angles. Then they went on comic life and did a collage of the pictures they took.
Henry did the programmable Robots with Mrs Gordon. They first got taught how to programe the robot by punching in numbers to make it go forward, backwards and turn around. They also played lots of games. Henry's favourite game was the apricot picking game, where we have to make the robot drive up next to an apricot tree and pick an apricot. The person with the most apricot's win.
Finally, just before we finished on the last day a surprise visitor came to talk to us and his name was Johnson from What Now. Johnson came to talk to us about being shy, confidence and his life when he was younger and all the oppurtunities that everyone has. Johnson asked a few people what they wanted to be when they grew up and some people said All Black, Silver Fern or a nurse. He inspired alot of people and made us more confident to do stuff. When Johnson had finished talking to us we went out side and everyone got his autograph.
The be inspired conference was so much fun and everyone really enjoyed the workshops and meeting Johnson.
By Holly