On the 3rd of September our rugby team Gladstone/East Coast U11 won the final against Greytown 21-14 at Wairarapa college. Greytown beat us in the finals last year but they did not this year. It was a hard game as it was hot and the score was Nill-all for a very long time we only won the match in the last 5 minutes with a converted try. The chairman of Waiararapa bush handed the shield to Cameron after the match because he was the captain of the team. Everybody was so happy and proud of we played so they gave us chocolates.
By Henry and Cameron
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Theater Sports
Last term Jessie, Maddy and Annika went to a Theater Sports Extension Programme as they were picked to represent Central Wairarapa in the Theatre Sports Competition. We were being taught by Mr Brooks, we were sorted into teams and we learnt some new games, then we made up a team name and a team intro. Sadly we weren't informed when the competition was on and missed it which was a big bummer, O well mabey next time.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
leadership camp 2011
In April I was picked to go on a leader ship camp in the Wairarapa. I went for two days. There were 2 year 8 students from about 10 schools that went. While I was there we went to a place in Greytown called Shoc chocolate. They make some of the best chocolate in New Zealand. In the shop I saw a chocolate bunny for $280 and it was huge. Also they were giving out free samples for every one which was my favourite part. The same day we went abseiling. Abseiling is a sport where you climb down the side of a cliff with a harness attached to you.When I was half way down my rope got really tight and I couldn't go down. But in the end I got down. It was fun. The last challenge we did was called a $10 challenge and we had to go though a supermarket and we were given $10 and we had to buy something that contains a carbohydrate, veges and a meat. Joe from Lakeveiw shcool and I made a curry and it was delicious. I am glad I went and I learnt alot from it
Monday, July 11, 2011
On the 6th of July the Art Splash group with a couple of others went to the St. Matthews production. It was called Olivia and it was held at the St. Matthews auditorium. It is similar to the movie, Oliver, except the main character is a girl. The characters were amazingly talented at playing their role, singing and dancing. The production went for around 1 hour. I can't wait to see another one of their awesome productions.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
2011 Cross Country
On Thursday the 2nd of June Wainuioru School, Tinui, Whareama,Mauriceville all went to Tinui School for cross country. First the juniors went then the year 2 and 3'S went then the year 4 and 5s went then finally it was my go. I was waiting for ages THEN . . . READY SET GO! I was running. We first had to run to a pole, then run up and down a hill, onto the road, around the pub, back to the school, around the tennis court and then around the field. FINALLY, I finished. I came 3rd and kirsty (my sister) came 2nd. After my race I had a burger and some coke then went home. It was the first time I have ever run in a Cross Country race and I thought it was fun.
Wainuioru News- Planking turtle
Ngaumu speeches
This week our class has been doing speeches because Gladstone school is hosting the year 7-8 speech competition again this year and our winning year 7 and 8's have been invited to participate in the competition. So far we have listened to all but 4 of the speeches and we have been judging them as a class.It is very close! I am not sure who will be going to represent our school but all of the speeches we have heard have been great. Some of the topics were - Duck Shooting, How to make a lizard Garden, Living in the country is better than living in town, My duck Shooting experience, Ronnie, the Turtles adventure, The Bloody Tower, Living in England, Shrek the Sheep, Harriet the Pig, Bullying, Parents vs Kids, Bethany Hamilton's Shark Attack, Tui Beer, and Grandads Injury. A variety of very interesting speeches and we can't wait to hear the rest. Some have been published on the Blog. Enjoy reading them.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
cross country
On Thursday the whole school did cross country at Tinui. Most of us got into the town cross country because we came in the first 5. The 5 and 6 years olds had to run around the field once and the 7,8,9 and 10 years olds had to run 2 and a half kms, and the 11,12 and 13 years olds had to run 4 kms. I got into the town cross country and I came 5th out of 8 people. After we finish running we just felt like dropping to the ground because it was so tiring.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Tent City
In term 1 we had a Tent City at the school. Everybody from the School set their tents up on the field. I slept in my dad's tent with Cameron, Callum and Thomas. After we had dinner we roasted marshmallows in a braisier that Mr Cameron brought. When its was dark and the Ngahape kids had gone to bed we played two games of spotlight before we got into our pjs and went to bed. In the morning we all went over to the hall and had breakfast. I had spaghetti on toast. It was a really fun night and I hope we do tent city again next year.
Chinese Paper cutting
We are lucky enough to have Lily, from China with us at Wainuioru School for the term. Lily is teaching us how to do Chinese paper cutting.Lily comes to each class once a week to teach us Chinese paper cutting. In our class we have learnt how to cut 'Double Happiness' and 'Double Good Luck' which are signs used when people in China are getting married.
We have also learnt how to cut patterns that link together like paper dolls. You have to fold a piece of paper a special way before you cut.
It was funny because on one of my paper cuttings, I was supposed to cut a paper boy but it turned out to be two penguins kissing!
I am looking forward to more paper cutting today with Lily.

Since the start of the year we have been learning languages every Thursday. The languages we have been learning are Sign language, Mandarin and Te Reo Maori. We have learnt to sign the National Anthem, numbers from 1-10, the alphabet, how to finger spell our names and some simple words, instructions and greetings.
In the Poroporo room we have been learning Mandarin with Mrs. Stevens and Lily who is from China who is teaching us the language.In Fernyhurst Miss McLeod and Miss Clapperton have been telling us how to say objects in the classroom, greetings and clothing in Maori.So since the start of the year it has been really fun doing languages and since we've done languages I've learnt ALOT!!!
By Nicola:)
Explanation writing
During term one, our class was learning about explanation writing. Our learning outcomes were:
* How to format an explanation correctly
* How to make sure our writing follows a logical sequence
* how to begin our explanation with a statement or a question
* How to use time connectives
* How to use exact technical language to make our explanations interesting.
We were allowed to choose any topic we were interested in and we found some interesting questions from the internet.
Read the two examples below written by Callum Forbes and Cody Hefferen.
Why is blood red?
Have you ever wondered why your blood is red?
Your blood contains different things like Plasma. Plasma is the liquid part of your blood and it makes up half of your blood and it is yellow.
Plasma is thicker than water because it contains protein, anti-bodies to fight disease, fibrogen, which helps the blood clot, cafrbohydrates, fats and salts.
Your blood has red and white blood cells called corpuscles. The red corpuscles are encased in blood vessels that colour the blood. there are 35 trillion of these red corpuscles in your body and this is what makes your blood red.
Have you ever wondered why your stomach growls?
Borborymi is the doctor's name for when your stomach growls. Thay call it this because it is the Latin name for 'to rumble'.Borborygmi is caused when your stomach walls squeeze together in an attempt to mix and digest food and there isn't any to mix or digest.
When your stomach tries to mix the food it creates gasses. The gasses,mixed with the digestive juices is what makes your stomach make noise like a growl.
You won't satisfy your hunger by eating unhealthy food. You must give your body the right food with the proper nutrients and then the faster your metabolism is, the quicker you will get hungry. The slower your metabolism is, the slower you will get hungry.
If your stomach does growl, the best thing to do would be to stay calm because that will slow your metabolism down.The calmer you are, the more slowly your body will metabolise the protein it has stored and maybe you will live longer.
* How to format an explanation correctly
* How to make sure our writing follows a logical sequence
* how to begin our explanation with a statement or a question
* How to use time connectives
* How to use exact technical language to make our explanations interesting.
We were allowed to choose any topic we were interested in and we found some interesting questions from the internet.
Read the two examples below written by Callum Forbes and Cody Hefferen.
Why is blood red?
Have you ever wondered why your blood is red?
Your blood contains different things like Plasma. Plasma is the liquid part of your blood and it makes up half of your blood and it is yellow.
Plasma is thicker than water because it contains protein, anti-bodies to fight disease, fibrogen, which helps the blood clot, cafrbohydrates, fats and salts.
Your blood has red and white blood cells called corpuscles. The red corpuscles are encased in blood vessels that colour the blood. there are 35 trillion of these red corpuscles in your body and this is what makes your blood red.
Have you ever wondered why your stomach growls?
Borborymi is the doctor's name for when your stomach growls. Thay call it this because it is the Latin name for 'to rumble'.Borborygmi is caused when your stomach walls squeeze together in an attempt to mix and digest food and there isn't any to mix or digest.
When your stomach tries to mix the food it creates gasses. The gasses,mixed with the digestive juices is what makes your stomach make noise like a growl.
You won't satisfy your hunger by eating unhealthy food. You must give your body the right food with the proper nutrients and then the faster your metabolism is, the quicker you will get hungry. The slower your metabolism is, the slower you will get hungry.
If your stomach does growl, the best thing to do would be to stay calm because that will slow your metabolism down.The calmer you are, the more slowly your body will metabolise the protein it has stored and maybe you will live longer.
Take Action For Water
Our new topic for this term is 'Take Action For Water'. We have learnt so much about the different insects that live in our rivers and streams, the natural habitats, life cycles and the role of plants and algae in the catchment and more. Then we had to do a work sheet on how do the insects breathe in the water and out of the water,then we had to choose an animal out of the Mayfly, Long fin eel, banded koapou and the cased caddisfly. I chose the Mayfly we have to write an information report about the aquatic animal that we have chosen. On Monday the senior room is going to Mt Holdsworth and we are going to look at the streams and insects. we are going with Warren who is from the Greater Welington Regional council to Mt Howsworth because he is going to tell us all the imformation about the streams and insects.
Chinese Fitness
Every 2nd day our school does Chinese fitness.We have 8 different moves and we do our Chinese fitness for twenty minutes. We have been learning 1 step at a time since the beginning of the term and we now all know the 8 steps. We do Chinese fitness because we have a Chinese teacher at our school for the term called Lily. Lily teaches us Chinese fitness, Mandarin and paper cutting and in China all school children do Chinese fitness everyday. The first Chinese fitness rule is to be quiet but we are not that rule yet. The second rule is to stand still and be in a strait lines but we are still practising to do that. We are improving alot and we will soon be able to do it to music. WATCH US DOING CHINESE FITNESS.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
A Biography of Cam Percy

Cameron James Percy was born on 24th 1999. He was born in Masterton hospital in the morning. He has one brother called Aidan who is 14 years old, his mother is called Nicky and his father is called Darren. They are not married but Cameron says that it's ok because they are in love and that what matters most.
When Cameron was little he went in to the hospital for his first time because of an asthma attack when he was 3. Cameron's hobbies are rugby,motorbike riding and shooting,Cameron has played rugby for Gladstone since he was 5 and he is going to play his seventh season this year
When Cameron was about three years old he had a cat called Sammy but sadly Sammy died. Now Cameron has a dog called Simba and they have a family doy called Luther and three cats called Ziggy,Socks and Kitty.
If Cameron had powers it would be to fly so he can get around faster. Cameron's favourite day of the week is Saturday because rugby is on and his favourite colours are green and blue. Cameron's goals in life are to become a professional rugby player.
And that is Cameron's life so far.
A Biography of Callum Forbes
Callum Lachlan Forbes was born on the 14th of January 2001 in Wainuiomata at his house. He was born at home because his mum had no time to get to the hospital, he came so fast in fact he was born in the bathroom. Callum is the younger out of the 2 children. His mum is called Lisa his dad is called Scott and his sister is called Jessica.Jessica is 2 years older than Callum. Callum enjoys motobike riding and playing rugby. His favourite position is hooker because he has always played hooker. He always played for Gladstone and this year will be playing for under 11 team. Callum's first motobike had Spiderman webs on it. Callum has a pet black lab called Bell. Callum's dad wanted bell as a duck shooting dog but she turned out to be 3/4 lab and 1/4 pitbull which is no good for a duck dog. Bell arrived on Callum's 6th birthday so she is kind of his dog. When Callum was little, he used to eat Nutella and luncheon sandwiches. He doesn't like Nutella and luncheon sandwiches any more, now he likes luncheon and cheese sandwiches. Callum's favourite place to eat is Cobb and Co and his favourite food there is ribs. When Callum was 3 weeks old, he peed on the doctor when he was having an appointment. When Callum was 6 years old he travelled up north to Rotorua and he saw the mud pools. that was his favourite thing. The person Callum admires is Cory Jane because he is Callum's favourite rugby player. If Callum had any type of superpower it would be invisibility because when he plays rugby he could turn invisible and get past people. When Callum grows up he wants to be a professional rugby player and a farmer because he really likes both of them.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Wainuioru School Ngaumu 2011!!!!
This year we have 20 students in our class, 11 girls and 9 boys. Mrs. Rattray is our teacher. We have had a great start to the year, we've had a tent city, school picnic, pumkin weighin, bad hair day/pajama day and lots more! In our class we've been looking at natural disasters and our school disaster schemes due to the recent Christchurch quake. Also we've been doing lots of writing; autobiographies, biographies and explanations, some of these will hopefully be popping up on the blog! :)
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