Thursday, September 16, 2010
My Elective (Charlotte)
Every Tuesday for the past five weeks wainuioru school have been doing electives. My elective is glass painting and Mrs Rattary is our teacher.There are five people in the group Me, Holly, Clara, Zaiver and Gracey.Lately I have been colouring a cupcake and a flower the cupcake is red and white the flower is yellow and orange.Mrs Rattary is a really fun teacher.
pet day
The wiz
On September 16th the whole of Wainuioru School went to Wairarapa college to watch their production called THE WIZ. It was heaps of fun, and their was lots of laughter.
I think that Mrs Rattrays daughter Rose Rattray was really good, and probably everyone will agree.
I hope we watch another one of their productions again some other time.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Every Tuesday for the next 5 weeks wainuioru school are having electives some of the groups are cooking,camping skills,glass painting and basic horsemanship. I was in Landscape artistry held by Kathryn Tomlison and Mary Cook. In my group there is Ally Cates Evie Tomlison and me. We are going to be designing the front garden for the school and for the past two weeks we have been going to different schools and kindys to get ideas for our project. We have seen some really cool stuff like koru statues, bridges, cool seats and even really colourful and huge signs. We think we will make a stone garden with a goldfish pond in it surronded by tussock grass and statues also we were hoping to get a fountain. I have had so much fun doing the electives and the tutors are great i can't wait to see what it looks like at the end.
My Electives- Glasspainting
On Tuesday it was the Wainuioru School electives, and I was doing glasspainting with Charlotte, Zavier, Clara and Grace. Our helper for the day was Mrs Rattray, but last week it was Mrs Cameron and Mrs Mckay. First of all we coloured our glasspaintings in. I did a Penguin, 3 hearts, a flower and a single heart.
After we done our glasspaintings, Mrs Rattray snuck us a chocolate fish each.
It was the best day ever, and I can't wait for our next session with Mrs Rattray.
After we done our glasspaintings, Mrs Rattray snuck us a chocolate fish each.
It was the best day ever, and I can't wait for our next session with Mrs Rattray.
Science Roadshow
"time to hop on the bus children".It was the day to go to the science roadshow at chanel collage just the senior class went.When we got to chanel collage we went and sat on the floor we learnt alot of stuff. I went with Olivia and Sophie looking around at the science .Next I went up on the stage were there was three science deminstration .I went on a nail bed were the nails were stickings up at the sharp went it wasn't paneful it felt like a holo desk so did Olivia and Sophie went on it.It was time to sit on the floor we had little cards when we answered them all we but them in a box and then a man will pick a card up and who ever got picked out won 3D glasses and a 3D picture and Gretchen and Morgan got the price. I think it was a really fun time because we got to do expereiments.
2010 rippa tournament
On the 2nd of September the years 3-8's went to Whareama for a rippa tournament. On the 6th game Wainuioru winners versed the Wainuioru smallblacks.
The score was 6 to the smallblacks and 3 to the winners. Then we went to the score board to have prize giving. The prizes were a maori rugby poster and a rugby ball. Holly was the best player on the smallblacks team so she got a moari rugby poster and the 2nd best player on the smallblacks team was Cody so he got a rugby ball. And the best player on the wainuioru winners team was Olivia so she got a moari rugby poster. And the 2nd best on the wainuioru winners team was Bj so he got a rugby ball.
It was a great day at Whareama.
Henry & Sean's rippa tournament 2010
Yesterday the year three's, four's, five's, six's, seven's and eight's went to the East Coast Grounds at Whareama to play rippa rugby.
We were in the year seven & eight team. Our team won one game, lost five and had one bye.
We scored about four tries each.
It was a fun day even though we only won one game.
Every Tuesday, for the next five weeks of this term, Wainuioru School has electives. Some of the groups are cooking, glass painting, camping skills and basic horsemanship. I was doing landscape artistry held by Kathryn Tomlinson and Mary Cook. In my group there is Ally Cates, Evie Tomlison and me. We are going to design the front garden of the school and for the last 2 weeks we have been going round to schools and kindys looking at their gardens to get ideas for our project. We have seen some really cool stuff like koru statues, bridges, boadwalks and big colourful signs. We are planning to have at Wainuioru School a stone garden with a fish pond in it, surronded by tussock grass and statues also we were hoping to have a water fountain somewhere. I have had a whole lot of fun doing the electives so far and the tutors are great. I can't wait to see what it will look like at the end.
My Elective, Girls Stuff.
At the moment we have a program doing electives and mine (Annika's) GIRLS STUFF.
On Tuesday we were doing nail care. We got a glorious and relaxing hand massage (aaaahhhhhhh), we pushed our cuticles back and did our nails. First of all I painted my nails with a nail hardner, then with a sparkly silver polish, which came out purple! I last of all painted a top coat. My nails are soo pretty now!
Annika is about to get a try!
On the 2nd of September of 2010 the years 3-8's from Wainuioru School went to Whareama for the Rippa Rugby Tournament. The teams that were playing were Whareama, Gladstone, Tinui and Wainuioru. The weather was very freezing but after we played a couple of games we all started to warm up because we were running around alot. I was in the year 7's and 8's team because they were short of players. We won 1 game and lost 5 games. It was a very good and fun day because none of the teams were too easy to play against, the only disappointing thing was that it was muddy and cold.
Whareama rippa tournament!!!
On September 2nd 2010 Wainuioru school years 3-8 went to Whareama for the rippa tournament. The schools we played were Whareama, Tinui and Gladstone. We played 6 games of rugby and on my team were Olivia, Jack, Charlotte, Annika, Morgen, Xavier and Sophie. We won 4 out of 6 games.
The best part was ripping the rippers off the other teams belts and I enjoyed running around.
2010 Rippa Tournament
Yesterday, the years 3-8 went to Whareama School for a Rippa Rugby Tournament. the schools that were there were Tinui, Gladstone, Whareama and Wainuioru. Each year group had a lot of teams and most of us played 6 games at least.
The weather was freezing at the start but we felt warmer as the day went on because we were running around so much.
'The day was fun but very tiring from all the running around. It was exciting when we got the tries" Annika Green.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Gretchen, Holly, Maddy, Sophie and Charlotte

On Friday it was Daffodil day and the whole school was wearing something yellow. We had a drawing of a daffodil on the tennis court and everyone was asked to bring a gold coin donation. We put all of our gold coins around the outline of the daffodil and it looked great. We also had a sausage sizzle for lunch and the proceeds went to the Cancer Society too. We raised $211.70. There were bunches of daffodils in each classroom and the smell reminded me of spring.
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